Fold a paper aeroplane exactly according to the instructions: it flies, hits your (unsuspecting) target perfectly, lands.
Folding a protein is like folding an aeroplane. In your ribosomes, a specific set of instructions is followed to translate your genes into an amino acid chain, which then undergoes more complex folding into a certain secondary and tertiary structure. It is then 'flown' by motor proteins along the cytoskeleton, possibly out of the cell itself, to reach its target location or substrate. However, this analogy does not exactly line up - make a mistake while folding a paper aeroplane and perhaps it flies slightly to the left, or lands slightly too early. You put it in the recycling bin and start again. But what if, instead of simply being discarded, the faulty plane began to make copies of itself. This happens again and again, overriding other perfectly-folded models until your entire room is filled with deformed and vengeful wads of paper.
While this may seem like a ridiculous spiral caused by just one badly-folded plane, something similar can actually happen in your brain. Prion (misfolded protein) diseases are most commonly known because of scandals: burgers that cause hallucination or cannibals that die while laughing uncontrollably. What connects these incidents? Eating brains.
Aside from upsetting vegans, eating brains is not very advisable because it provides the perfect way for misfolded proteins to end up in your own brain to cause these horrific diseases. In England in the 1990s, the agricultural industry looked for a better way to maximise the output of meat from livestock, by using as much of the animal as possible. Therefore, cow brains - prions and all - began to be added to some commercial meat products, allowing the transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy from cow to human. Similarly, among the Fore tribe of Papua New Guinea, it was common practice for women and children to consume the brains of the deceased as a way of paying respect - and a fast way to transmit the prion disease kuru between members of the community. This outbreak was imaginably worsened as those who contracted kuru would die soon after, so other people would eat their brains and catch the disease and die, so the cycle continued until the practice was banned in the 1950s.
Outside of these events, prion diseases still have an immense impact upon our lives. Surprisingly, Alzheimer's disease is not caused by any external pathogen. The degeneration of brain matter is inflicted by a simple error that happens from within: the misfolding of amyloid-beta proteins. These aggregate into malicious plaques, like the abnormal planes slowly filling the room, taking over the brain and leaving holes in the cerebrum.
Prion diseases give us some insight into how important it is that proteins are folded correctly in the body (and how important it is not to eat brains). But the true mechanism by which proteins 'know' how to fold into their unique shapes still remains a mystery.
Like all other biochemical process that occur, the folding of proteins is governed by thermodynamics. Proteins tend towards the most energetically favourable form with the lowest possible free energy. We can call this its native state: the final product of folding a protein. The tighter a protein folds, the lower its free energy will be. This is why bonds tend to be formed between the constituent amino acids, which each have a different variable group that changes the way that it can interact with different elements within the chain. For example, cysteine is an amino acid which contains a thiol sulphur-hydrogen group that allows it to form disulphide bridges that hold the protein closer together.
So, why is there any issue in working out how proteins fold - surely they can just form any necessary bonds and go about their business as intended? The problem is that, when an amino acid chain has just been synthesised, it is flat and has no 3D strucutre. This means that the components of the final protein structure are often situated too far away from each other for these interactions to even occur. As the protein gets closer to its native state, these interactions become increasingly easy as the parts of the chain are held closer and closer together, funnelling the chain down a free energy minimum until it is stable. This is why the largest barrier to protein folding is never the final state: it is always the very first bond, when the amino acids are still so far away from each other, and the free energy is still so high.
Furthermore, every bond that is made equals a decrease in entropy, or disorder, which is considered to be a sin against the laws of thermodynamics - reactions tend towards a higher disorder as, counterintuitively, this is more stable. Proteins must overcome this instability with a greater decrease in free energy for the reaction to even be feasible.
There are three leading theories as to how proteins manage to overcome this barrier to reach their native state:
- nucleation-condensation: an initial, central 'nucleus' forms in the chain, around which other amino acids are able to form bonds
- hydrophobic collapse: all hydrophobic bonds form first between amino acid residues, pulling certain parts of the chain closer until further interactions can occur
- diffusion-collision: small nuclei form throughout the structure at first, which then interact among themselves to construct a larger tertiary structure
- help the proteins to fold into their correct native state and not some other random energy minimum
- stop proteins from aggregating - meaning that they stick to each other and form nasty plaques, like we saw in the example of Alzheimer's disease
Lapidus, L., et al. (2007) 'Protein Hydrophobic Collapse and Early Folding Steps Observed in a Microfluidic Mixer' PubMed Central Available at:,state%20to%20its%20native%20conformation. accessed: 30/10/2024
Beck, C., Siemens, X., Weaver, D. (2001) 'Diffusion-Collision Model Study of Protein Misfolding in a Four-Helix Bundle Protein' Science Direct Available at:,in%20coalescence%20of%20the%20helices. accessed: 30/10/2024